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CEO Announcement

As an organization that thrives on leadership, precision, and strategic foresight, Check-6 is excited to announce a significant transition at the helm of our company. Keith Kimmel steps into the role of Chief Executive Officer, bringing with him a wealth of experience and a renewed vision for the future of our operations.

Keith succeeds Brian “Bru” Brurud, our founder and longstanding CEO, whose leadership has been pivotal in shaping the success and global influence of Check-6. We extend our deepest gratitude to Brian for his unyielding dedication and innovative spirit, which have firmly established our core values and mission.

With an impressive background as a military veteran and a track record of exemplary leadership in various high stakes environments, Keith is exceptionally suited to guide Check-6 as we advance into new territories of technology and training. His strategic approach to operational excellence and his commitment to veteran support resonate deeply with the values at the heart of Check-6.

Vision for the Future

Under Keith’s leadership, Check-6 will intensify its focus on leveraging technology to enhance our training and consulting solutions. With the Rigor Insights Operations Analytics System (OAS) at the forefront, we are set to transform how organizations manage performance and risk, fostering safer and more efficient workplaces globally.

Keith is also committed to cultivating a culture of excellence and accountability, pushing the boundaries of what we can achieve as a team. His leadership mantra is clear— Tools, Targets & Trust. Provide the Team the tools they need to be successful, provide the targets they need to create accountability and value, and trust their ability to get the job done.

A Message from Keith

“I am truly honored to lead Check-6 and build upon the robust foundation laid by Bru. As we look ahead, our commitment to enhancing human performance remains unwavering. We will continue to innovate, ensuring that our clients always receive solutions that are not just current but ahead of the curve. Together with our talented team, I am confident that we will reach new heights and continue to make a significant impact across industries.”

Join Us on This Journey

We invite our clients, partners, and all members of the Check-6 community to join us as we embark on this exciting new chapter. Your continued support and collaboration are vital to our success, and we look forward to achieving groundbreaking results together.